
Pricing from $35 to $55 per square foot, depending on intricacy of design, surface and location being painted, materials used, equipment needed, and travel. Please email me for project specific pricing. A deposit of $250 - $500 is taken to hold project dates. Artist expects half of agreed upon quote less the deposit on first day of painting. Balance of quote to be paid on final day of painting.

*Paint and basic supplies are always included, but the artist reserves the right to choose the paint. Other incidentals will be decided on a project specific basis.

LOCATION & Process

Brave Collaborative is currently based in Charlottesville, Virginia but is willing to travel!

Brave Collaborative creates work from conversations with clients. Breana sees each mural as an expression of a successful conversation, of humans finding the right words, of people being understood. Every mural represents effective communication, a passion for the artist. This is a process of co-creation.

The artist will discuss with you at length your motivations for seeking a mural and your goals for how it will transform your space. The artist welcomes inspiration materials and images. If distance allows, an in-person meeting is preferred. The artist is happy to do rough sketches if it brings confidence to the client, but typically has begun painting with no visual representation of the finished piece, which is preferred. The artist does not do exhaustive drafting or digital designing. But the artist happily collaborates with the client throughout the process of painting. An open discussion is welcomed from start to finish. The artist is highly receptive to client requests and deeply enjoys the collaborative spirit that is so integral to her process. She believes client ideas and requests push her art in directions she can not go alone, and designing in process leaves open avenues for exciting creative decisions and intuitive evolution of the mural.

Note: Breana will happily execute the designs of other artists! Although she does not use the process of digital design for her own original creations, she thrives on collaboration and welcomes the challenge of executing designs of other artists when she resonates with the art.


Time needed for painting depends greatly on the intricacy of design, but most residential size murals can be completed in 1 to 2 weeks. Business murals widely vary. Time needed for designing largely depends on the client and how formulated their ideas are when the conversation begins.